Solidago School of Herbalism

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Feeling Congested? Try this!


How is the start to your fall going?  

This time of year, many folks find that they are congested.  

Maybe it's fall pollen allergies.  The ragweed and mugwort are blooming and spreading their pollen on the fall winds.  

Maybe it's a head cold from the change in weather or increased exposure due to schools opening.  

Maybe you have turned your heat on and the air is drying to your sinuses, causing them to create excess mucous as a counter reaction.

Maybe it just is congestion for no sensible or known reason.  Or maybe it is multiple reasons compiled.

It may not matter why you are congested.  You can still ease the congestion with herbs.  Here are a couple of my favorite quick go to's for easing sinus and nose congestion.

1.  Goldenrod flower and leaf tea or tincture.  

"Wait, I thought that is what is causing the congestion!" you say?  Well, no.  Even though goldenrod is blooming brightly right now, its pollen is not in the air, so it can't be what is irritating your sinuses and mucous membranes.  It is the plants that do not have showy flowers, that have the airborne pollen and cause the irritation.

Goldenrod is excellent at drying and clearing congestion, I find.  In fact, too much can be too drying, so no need to over do it.  

I make a quart of Goldenrod tea, drink it throughout one day, and the next day my nose is as clear as day and I can breathe through it again.  Hooray!

2.  Herbal steams.

This is as simple as boiling a pot of water, half full.  Remove the pot from the heat and add in fresh or dried herbs that smell good.  Stir them into the water, put a lid on the pot, and let them steep for a few minutes.  

I like to use plants in the mint family.  They are easy to come by and work great.  Examples are mint (duh!), thyme, lavender, rosemary, oregano, and bee balm (Monarda spp).

I bring the pot over to the dining room table, put it on a hot pad protecter, take the lid off, and put my head over the steaming pot.  My eyes are closed and I start high up, so as not to burn myself with the steam. 

I take a towel and create a tent over my head and around the pot, trapping the steam inside.

......and breathe.......and relax...... and breathe some more.  

The steam can usually be reused multiple times, before it is spent.  Just reheat and go.  I suggest doing it multiple times in a day, to get the best results.

If you have chronic congestion or allergies, the nourishing herbal infusions will be very helpful in clearing that!  I will take a month or so, to notice the difference but it is totally worth it.  Not to mention all of the other benefits that come with drinking them.

Goldenrod Tea to Clear Congestion


Dried goldenrod leaves and flowers

Boiling Hot water

2  one quart canning jars

Fine mesh strainer


1. Buy dried goldenrod from an herb distributor 
Harvest some goldenrod stems that are just beginning to bloom.  Cut the stems about a third of the way down, hang to dry.  Remove dried flowers and leaves from he stem and store in a jar or paper bag until needed.

2. Put about 4 tablespoons of dried goldenrod flowers and leaves in a quart canning jar.  

3.  Fill the jar with boiling water.

4.  Cover with a tight lid.

5.  Let steep for 20-40 minutes.

6. Strain the tea from the herb, through a fine mesh strainer into another quart jar.

7.  Sip on the tea through out your day.  You can sweeten it with honey or add a bit apple cider to change the taste, if desired.