This is part 3 in our series, Herbs for Back to School Times. Although, this whole series is applicable to everyone, as we move into fall and look ahead to a winter of colds, flus, stress, and Covid related issues.
Today we are talking about nourishment!! The more nourished we are, the better we feel. We are also more prepared to handle whatever we come into contact with, both physically and emotionally, whether it is a virus or stressful situations.
If you have been following me for a while, then this is old news. I talk about the nourishing herbs a lot! I do this because they truly are the foundations of health. I believe it is the first and best place to start, when working with herbs to improve health and wellbeing.
Astragalus and Elderberry for the Back-to-School-Season
This is part 2 of the "Herbs for Back-to-School Season" series.
Even if you aren't going back to school, this is pertinent information in how to prepare your immune system and herb cabinet for whatever this fall and winter may bring.
In this issue, I talk about 2 of my favorite immune supporting herbs, Astragalus root and Elderberry.
A book could be written about each of these herbs. This is a brief overview of each one.
If either of these herbs intrigue you, I hope you are inspired to dig deeper into to getting to know them and experiencing them for yourself.
Herbs for the Back-to-School Season
The crisp fall days seem to have arrived on winds of seasonal change.
People are gearing up for a new school season to begin. Whether you are going to college, sending your kids to school, or schooling at home, schedules and routines are changing.
Change can be stressful and difficult, especially in times of upheaval and uncharted waters, so to speak.
What are you doing to help cope with the shifts in schedule, stress level, and weather?
How are you supporting your health, to make this transition time as smooth as possible?
Herbs can help!
Ease Coughs and Digestion with this Tasty Herb!
Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is in full bloom in my garden right now. I absolutely love this plant.
I plant it in as many gardens as I can. It is a beautiful cut flower and attracts butterflies and other pollinators. Anise hyssop is a lovely tall perennial that spreads, but doesn't take over. It enjoys a sunny location.
Not only a beautiful garden plant, anise hyssop is also a lovely medicinal herb. It tastes delicious, having a sweet mild mint flavor.